Thursday, July 24, 2008


Here is a vintage photograph of the 906 we are restoring.

Tuesday afternoon, Bret and Andy helped Kevin sand the chassis to get it ready for paint.

Yesterday morning, Kevin came in early and painted it.

When he was finished, he was sweat from head to toe from more than 2 hours in the booth.


Now, it's positioned on the floorboard.

rear view

Kevin is now starting to repair the fiberglass that makes up the pedal firewall.

Slowly, but surely, this car is coming together.

a few more...


Bret is preparing the K8 suspension pieces for paint.

rocker arms - done

rebuilt master cylinders

Andy has been working on the 904.
Here is the pedal assembly that he has been putting together,
but we are waiting on some custom-made springs.

Andy has installed the axles.

Kevin is working on the front undertray for the 904.

Kevin...multi-tasking again.

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