Tuesday, July 1, 2008

2008 Porsche Parade

Lee, the car owner and his Dad, hauled the car up to the
2008 Porsche Parade in Charlotte, NC. over the weekend.

They made it just in time to get the car
into the convention center prep area.

The car WON its class in the Concours!

The car also WON the Zuffenhausen Award,
(scored 296.7 points out of a possible 300).

For overall, best car, it was down to this car and a 356...
we are still awaiting who won that award.

But now back to reality...it's back to the shop, ready to unload.

Sure had a good trip!!

Back into the shop to fix a few things on the check list before it goes home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the smile on your baby when she is in the trailer. Looks like she had a good time at Parade. Thanks for bringing her to Charlotte. I am glad I got to see her in person. Just a fabulous car. Congrats on the trophy last night!